Nav2 example with (Ignition) Gazebo Fortress

Hello everyone,

We wanted to share a ROS 2 project that we recently created because we had trouble finding an example where Nav2 works with the latest LTS (Ignition) Gazebo. You can find the source here: GitHub - art-e-fact/navigation2_ignition_gazebo_example: Minimal example for using Navigation 2 with (Ignition) Gazebo.

The project contains the sam-bot model (migrated from the official Nav2 tutorials), launch files to bring up the navigation stack, some nodes for demoing simple navigation tasks, and tests for these nodes.

We hope this project will be helpful to anyone who is trying to use Navigation2 with (Ignition) Gazebo. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please feel free to open an issue on the GitHub repository.


Looks great! I’ll definitely take a look at this as later this year we’re looking to migrate from Gazebo Classic (pending some issues that need resolution to have things work well in binary format for release)


May I ask what plan may be formulated to complete a migration of the current nav2_bringup tb3 simulation launch that uses Classic Gazebo (Ver 11) to gazebosim, presumably recognizing that the next gazebosim Harmonic release is planned for Sep/23?

Thanks @azazdeaz for this great example. It helped me understanding the Nav2 stack much better.

I have created a fork and updated it to my needs. Here is a link to the fork: GitHub - rosblox/nav2_outdoor_example: Minimal example for using Navigation 2 with GNSS/IMU Localization in (Ignition) Gazebo

  • The fork runs on ROS2 Humble/Gazebo Fortress (Install it following this Gazebo)
  • The robot localizes itself by fusing measurements from IMU and GNSS with robot_localization
  • The Nav2 map server serves static costmaps

Hello, I tried running your repository in ROS 2 Humble in Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS. However, I ran into the following error:

I cannot find any available 'ign' command:
    * Did you install any ignition library?
    * Did you set the IGN_CONFIG_PATH environment variable?
        E.g.: export IGN_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/local/share/ignition

I followed the Ignition Gazebo Binary Install instructions for Ubuntu from this link: Binary Installation on Ubuntu — Gazebo fortress documentation.

Do you have any solutions for this? Was there perhaps an installation error?

I am not sure why you are encountering that issue! But I will share what I followed when I wanted to install Ignition Fortress. Since it’s paired default with ROS2 Humble Hawksbill, I did run,

sudo apt-get install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-ros-gz

In your case, make sure to first uninstall the binary installation first by running

sudo apt remove ignition-fortress && sudo apt autoremove

Hope this helps!!

I ran the commands above, and I am still facing the same issues.

OK I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 22 and the ign gazebo command works now.


Glad to hear that! :grin: