We’re happy to announce new packages and updates for Foxy Fitzroy!
Package Updates for foxy
Added Packages [28]:
- ros-foxy-controller-interface: 0.1.2-1
- ros-foxy-controller-manager: 0.1.2-1
- ros-foxy-controller-manager-msgs: 0.1.2-1
- ros-foxy-effort-controllers: 0.1.1-1
- ros-foxy-forward-command-controller: 0.1.1-1
- ros-foxy-grasping-msgs: 0.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-hardware-interface: 0.1.2-1
- ros-foxy-joint-state-controller: 0.1.1-1
- ros-foxy-joint-trajectory-controller: 0.1.1-1
- ros-foxy-plansys2-bringup: 1.0.7-2
- ros-foxy-plansys2-bt-actions: 1.0.7-2
- ros-foxy-plansys2-core: 1.0.7-2
- ros-foxy-plansys2-domain-expert: 1.0.7-2
- ros-foxy-plansys2-executor: 1.0.7-2
- ros-foxy-plansys2-lifecycle-manager: 1.0.7-2
- ros-foxy-plansys2-msgs: 1.0.7-2
- ros-foxy-plansys2-pddl-parser: 1.0.7-2
- ros-foxy-plansys2-planner: 1.0.7-2
- ros-foxy-plansys2-popf-plan-solver: 1.0.7-2
- ros-foxy-plansys2-problem-expert: 1.0.7-2
- ros-foxy-plansys2-terminal: 1.0.7-2
- ros-foxy-position-controllers: 0.1.1-1
- ros-foxy-ros2-control: 0.1.2-1
- ros-foxy-ros2controlcli: 0.1.2-1
- ros-foxy-rosauth: 2.0.2-1
- ros-foxy-test-robot-hardware: 0.1.2-1
- ros-foxy-tvm-vendor: 0.7.2-1
- ros-foxy-velocity-controllers: 0.1.1-1
Updated Packages [40]:
- ros-foxy-autoware-auto-msgs: 0.1.0-1 -> 1.0.0-1
- ros-foxy-mavlink: 2020.11.11-1 -> 2021.1.4-1
- ros-foxy-message-filters: 3.2.4-1 -> 3.2.5-1
- ros-foxy-plotjuggler: 3.0.4-1 -> 3.0.7-1
- ros-foxy-plotjuggler-ros: 1.0.0-2 -> 1.0.2-1
- ros-foxy-rclpy: 1.0.4-1 -> 1.0.5-1
- ros-foxy-ros2bag: 0.3.5-1 -> 0.3.6-1
- ros-foxy-ros2trace: 1.0.4-1 -> 1.0.5-2
- ros-foxy-rosbag2: 0.3.5-1 -> 0.3.6-1
- ros-foxy-rosbag2-compression: 0.3.5-1 -> 0.3.6-1
- ros-foxy-rosbag2-converter-default-plugins: 0.3.5-1 -> 0.3.6-1
- ros-foxy-rosbag2-cpp: 0.3.5-1 -> 0.3.6-1
- ros-foxy-rosbag2-storage: 0.3.5-1 -> 0.3.6-1
- ros-foxy-rosbag2-storage-default-plugins: 0.3.5-1 -> 0.3.6-1
- ros-foxy-rosbag2-test-common: 0.3.5-1 -> 0.3.6-1
- ros-foxy-rosbag2-tests: 0.3.5-1 -> 0.3.6-1
- ros-foxy-rosbag2-transport: 0.3.5-1 -> 0.3.6-1
- ros-foxy-shared-queues-vendor: 0.3.5-1 -> 0.3.6-1
- ros-foxy-sqlite3-vendor: 0.3.5-1 -> 0.3.6-1
- ros-foxy-system-modes: 0.4.1-1 -> 0.4.2-1
- ros-foxy-system-modes-examples: 0.4.1-1 -> 0.4.2-1
- ros-foxy-tracetools: 1.0.4-1 -> 1.0.5-2
- ros-foxy-tracetools-launch: 1.0.4-1 -> 1.0.5-2
- ros-foxy-tracetools-read: 1.0.4-1 -> 1.0.5-2
- ros-foxy-tracetools-test: 1.0.4-1 -> 1.0.5-2
- ros-foxy-tracetools-trace: 1.0.4-1 -> 1.0.5-2
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2: 1.0.3-1 -> 1.0.5-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-abb: 1.0.3-1 -> 1.0.5-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-core: 1.0.3-1 -> 1.0.5-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-demos: 1.0.3-1 -> 1.0.5-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-epuck: 1.0.3-1 -> 1.0.5-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-examples: 1.0.3-1 -> 1.0.5-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-importer: 1.0.3-1 -> 1.0.5-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-msgs: 1.0.3-1 -> 1.0.5-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-tiago: 1.0.3-1 -> 1.0.5-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-turtlebot: 1.0.3-1 -> 1.0.5-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-tutorials: 1.0.3-1 -> 1.0.5-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-universal-robot: 1.0.3-1 -> 1.0.5-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-ur-e-description: 1.0.3-1 -> 1.0.5-1
- ros-foxy-zstd-vendor: 0.3.5-1 -> 0.3.6-1
Removed Packages [0]:
Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:
- Apex.AI, Inc.
- Arne Nordmann
- Bence Magyar
- Christophe Bedard
- Cyberbotics
- Davide Faconti
- Ethan Gao
- Francisco Martin Rico
- Josh Whitley
- Karsten Knese
- Michael Ferguson
- Rein Appeldoorn
- Soft_illusion
- Victor Lopez
- Vladimir Ermakov
- William Woodall