Dear ROS community,
We will be holding the third ‘Managing Fleets of Robots with ROS2’ training from 2022-11-29T23:00:00Z to 2022-12-01T23:00:00Z. This is a 3-day, online, hands-on training where you will learn ROS2 and how to use it for multi-robot systems.
More details:
- three days training
- 100% hands on: practice with simulations and real robots (remote access)
- not need to setup anything, start from minute one
- master multi-robot navigation and fleet management in ROS2
What you will learn
- Robot navigation in ROS2 using Nav2
- Build a multi-robot navigation system
- Fleet management of robots in a common environment using the Open Robotics Middleware Framework (Open-RMF)
How you’ll learn
- ROS expert-led explanations
- Perform exercises with simulated robots, along with the instructors.
- Complete an entire project with the real robotic cafeteria.
Only 15 places are available, reserve your seat here:
The 3rd Managing Fleets of Robots with ROS2 training is scheduled for this month. The following numerous updates also accompany this training. You will learn how to do the following:
- Work with the latest ROS2 distro - Humble Hawksbill
- Set up multiple robots using Navigation 2
- Create a compliant RMF simulation
- Set up Freefleet for autonomous mobile robots
- Set up basic tasks like deliver, clean, patrol, and charge
- Create custom fleet adapter to integrate the API and ROS2 systems of your robot into RMF
- Dock in RMF
- Clean with RMF
- Create a GUI for Humans to interact with RMF.
- Manage doors and lifts in RMF
EARLY BIRD ENDING ON 2022-11-15T23:00:00Z. Secure your spot here:

LAST CALL - Robot Fleet Management in ROS2 Training starts next week
This week is the last week to register for the third edition of the “Robot Fleet Management in ROS2” training.
Dates: Wednesday, November 30 – Friday, December 2, 2022
Duration: 3 days (8hrs/day)
Time zone: Daily from 9:00 to 17:00, Central Time (US)
Location: Online training with remote real robots
2 seats available out of 15
Register here: Learn Robotics from Zero - Robotics & ROS Online Courses