Even though our focus is the integration of Webots and ROS 2, we still actively maintain and develop our ROS 1 interface.
We believe that the ros_control integration will accelerate the development and adoption of Webots in projects that depend on controllers such as diff_drive_controller, joint_state_controller, joint_trajectory_controller, and similar.
Some other perks:
a robot_description parameter is automatically exposed (and yes, you can edit robot model in Webots and a new URDF is automatically generated), and
topics are automatically created for all available sensors.
Thanks for you and the team’s excellent work and updates.
Could you kindly let me know what working environment you are using for this work? I tried to install Webots R2021b nightly build (22-4-2021) on my Ubuntu 20.04 + ROS noetic but I got ‘error while loading shared libraries: libboost_system.so.1.65.1’
That is odd. You got the error after running roslaunch webots_ros pioneer3at.launch? Could you please share the full error log and the list of commands you called?
Recently, we have introduced a new C++ plugin mechanism to the webots_ros2 package (based on pluginlib). And of course, the first plugin featuring the new mechanism is the webots_ros2_control - ros2_control integration.
We hope that this integration will help you taking advantage of the prebuilt ROS 2 controllers.
You want to use ros2_control and Webots in your next project? You will probably find the following resources useful: