Introduction GurumDDS RMW_GurumNetworks


We are GurumNetworks which is a company developing softwares including GurumDDS(Data Distribution Service).

I want to inform that rmw_gurumdds is now available in the current versions of ROS 2 Dashing, Foxy, and Rolling. includes rmw_gurumdds.

Please check below for a description of each package:

rmw-gurumdds-cpp: RMW packages used by users
rmw-gurumdds-shared-cpp: Package containing functions used by rmw-gurumdds-cpp
gurumdds-cmake-module: A package that finds the location of GurumDDS.

Please see below for instructions on how to use RMW:

Assume that the Debian package is installed.

  1. Install the “rmw_gurumdds_cpp” package
    apt install ros-(dashing/foxy/rolling)-rmw-gurumdds-cpp

  2. Set the RMW_IMPLEMENTATION environment variable to “rmw_gurumdds_cpp”
    export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_gurumdds_cpp

Below is our GurumDDS RMW git repository:

If you need more information about GurumNetworks or our products, please visit our website.

Thank you.