ROS2 Training on June 19 - 21

Get ROS2 Industrial Ready Training: ROS2 Basics + Nav2 + Manipulation with Movelt2

Training Title: Get ROS2 Industrial Ready (2RI2023)
Location: Online Training
Dates: June 19, 2023 → June 21, 2023

Key Takeaways

In this 3-day Get ROS2 Industrial Ready intensive training, you will learn:

  • How to plan your ROS2 setup. What is essential to learn first?
  • How to run ROS2 in real robots
  • How to design meaningful robotics application tests

What You Will Learn

  • ROS2 basic elements
  • ROS2 topics
  • ROS2 Services
  • ROS2 Actions
  • How to manage basic multi-threading in ROS2
  • How to use DDS in ROS2
  • How to use debugging tools in ROS2
  • How to make a robot autonomously navigate (ROS2 Navigation)
  • How to control arm robots (MoveIt2)
  • How to make robots grasp objects

Training Highlights

  • Get real-time robotics guidance from ROS experts
  • Experience hands-on learning from your location by remotely connecting to real robots
  • Practice in a simulated warehouse environment
  • Complete a real-world logistics project with real robots

Robots used in this training

RB-1 BASE – Warehouse Logistics Robot

UR3e – Robotic Arm

If you have any questions, please contact us at

This training is organized by The Construct and Robotnik