ROS News for the Week of June 10th, 2024

ROS News for the Week of June 10th, 2024

We’re adding another regional ROSCon this year! ROSCon China will be happening 2024-11-11T08:00:00Z2024-11-12T08:00:00Z in Shenzhen! I am really excited for this event and I can’t wait to see what our Chinese ROS community is working on!

Our next Gazebo Community Meeting is scheduled for 2024-06-26T16:00:00Z. Our own Ian Chen will be presenting on, “building and optimizing Gazebo simulation environments.” It should be a really good talk!

CVPR is next week and all of the publications and code from the event are starting to get released. I’ve included a few relevant ones below. I know OpenCV plans to have a booth at CVPR and you should drop by if you are attending.

CVPR also provides all of their papers and workshop materials free online! FREE PapersFREE Workshop Materials

:tada: TONIGHT! In San Francisco! We’re having a BIG Open Sauce after party for open source developers. It should be a great time! If you are in the Bay Area consider stopping by!




Got a minute :timer_clock: ?

Every Friday the former OSRF crew takes 30 minutes to catch up on ROS maintance work! We would really appreciate if everyone spent 30 minutes on Friday doing one small thing to improve the ROS ecosystem. Review a pull request! Answer a question on Robotics Stack Exchange. Send a PR to the ROS 2 Documentation.

:clap: We :clap: need :clap: your :clap: contributions! :clap: