Hi All,
As part of the ROS 2 Humble Hawksbill planning process, the ROS 2 TSC plans to re-evaluate the default ROS middleware layer that will ship with Humble. The motivation for re-evaluating, and potentially changing the default RMW, is driven by and the need to deliver the best possible “out of the box” experience for ROS 2 users. The ROS 2 TSC believes that by continually re-evaluating our default RMW we’ll eventually converge on the best possible user experience while simultaneously promoting a cohort of complimentary RMW implementations. It is important to keep in mind that the default RMW is simply that, a default. ROS 2 is better when we have an ecosystem of RMW implementations that meet the wide variety of ROS applications seen in the wild.
For Humble Hawksbill the default RMW will be selected by the ROS 2 TSC after evaluating a report on the current state of the RMW ecosystem. We went through this process last year and you can find the full report here. A few of us at Open Robotics are currently drafting Humble Hawksbill version of the report and we would like to include feedback from the ROS 2 community on the available RMW implementations.
To capture this community feedback I have constructed a survey on the Tier 1 ROS 2 RMWs (i.e. CycloneDDS and FastDDS). This survey is designed to capture the ROS community’s experiences with the various DDS / RMW vendors. If you have strong opinions about any aspect of ROS 2 Middleware then this survey is where you can get those opinions heard in a constructive manner. We’re asking all ROS 2 Rolling, Galactic, Foxy, Eloquent, and Dashing, and users to provide feedback on their current RMW implementation.
My intent is to share the majority of the survey results along with the analysis once the full report has been reviewed and voted on by the TSC. The narrative section of the survey will remain anonymous and not be shared except as excerpts in the final TSC RMW report. We plan to run this survey for approximately one week, with the last day to respond being 2021-10-13T06:59:00Z.
- Who: Users of ROS 2 Galactic, Foxy, Eloquent, Dashing and Rolling.
- What: We want to know about your experience with RMW implementations.
- Why: Survey results will be evaluated by the TSC as part of the ROS 2 Humble Hawksbill default RMW selection process.
- Survey results will be shared but responses will be kept anonymous.
- Where: Survey Link
- When: Last day to respond is 2021-10-13T06:59:00Z.
If you have questions about the process or the survey itself feel to drop a question in the comments.