[TB3] New TurtleBot3 AutoRace Tutorial Example Added!

:rocket: New TurtleBot3 AutoRace Tutorial Example Added! :turtle::robot:

:white_check_mark: Lane Detection
:white_check_mark: Traffic Light Detection
:white_check_mark: Traffic Sign Detection

New tutorial examples have been added that will give you a hands-on experience with the core features of the TurtleBot3 autonomous driving system in the ROS 2 Humble environment. This tutorial consists of three videos demonstrating key features - lane detection, traffic light detection, and traffic sign detection - along with a step-by-step tutorial guide.

The ROBOTIS AI Platform team, which manages various open source projects such as TurtleBot3, OpenManipulator, and Dynamixel SDK, will provide more tutorial examples on a wide range of topics such as autonomous driving, perception, manipulation, simulation, and physical AI. We appreciate your interest and support.

Below are the materials related to this tutorial. Try it out for yourself and experience autonomous driving with ROS 2 and TurtleBot3!

:television: Videos

:books: Manual

:inbox_tray: GitHub Repositories

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This is a useful and welcome addition to the Turtlebot3 robot, which I have used previous ROS 1 distribution to advantage in educational applications. As I note the Humble implementation of Autonomous Driving is only available in Simulation, when is a full software package support to be available for Turtle bot3 hardware? Perhaps a reason for not releasing this now, is the difficulty driving the Raspberry Pi Camera on Raspberry Pi 4 /Ubuntu 22.04. You might refer to recent postings on the Home Brew Robotics groups.Google.com of a working driver with revised libcamera library.


Yes. That’s right. I have a Raspberry Pi Camera issue. I was wondering what I could do to fix it, and you’ve given me some really good information. I’ll take a look at https://groups.google.com/g/hbrobotics/, and thank you very much. :slight_smile:

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