Wanted examples of ros2_controllers chaining

Hello, I am integrating ros2_controllers to RobotCAD and faced to lack of examples and documentation of chaining ros2_controllers (all of them).

Could you give me links to chained ros2_controllers YAML configs examples or addintion docs? I mean not custom controllers but just chained controllers from ros2_controllers repository.

Screenshot of future feature ros2_controllers in RobotCAD

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Hello @fenixionsoul

ros2_control already have some examples documented to help people get into the architecture easily. You can find them in their documentation page: control.ros.org. The example that you are looking is Example 12: Controller chaining with RRBot. This should give you some idea on how it works. You can find their source code here : GitHub - ros-controls/ros2_control_demos: This repository aims at providing examples to illustrate ros2_control and ros2_controllers

I hope this information is helpful.

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Thank you, @saikishor for answer. I readed it all. I mentioned what there are not enough chaining examples about standart ros2_controllers.

Example 12 is about custom (PassthroughController) controller chaining.
I need more examples about standart controllers: diff_drive_controller, joint_trajectory_controller, effort_controllers, gripper_controllers, pid_controller, in general all ones who support chaining.

Btw, i found some examples https://github.com/ros-controls/control.ros.org/blob/31f2c1d9c30aa0d4853d8d9e3c18b7516013dde5/doc/resources/urdfs%20and%20yamls/example_controllers.yaml#L123

If you know more please let me.