ROS (2) now does!
Hopefully, it will be included in the next sync!
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ROS (2) now does!
Hopefully, it will be included in the next sync!
I mean that’s very cool and all, but can it run Crysis?
P.S. Can one use cmd_vel for movement? Not sure how you’d shoot though hah
lol, I think Crysis would be a little bit more difficult!
Regarding the cmd_vel (Twist) control of the game, the problem is the wider amount of buttons that need to be mapped. Apart from shooting, you also need to be able to run, strafe, open doors etc.
Yeah that’s my point I think it could be possible to represent all actions with a single twist message, but one would need to get creative with binding unused axes to other actions. Linear x,y for movement and strafe (1.0 for walking 2.0 for sprint xd), linear z for jumping/crouch, Angular z for left/right, then angular x,y are left for the rest, maybe x for shooting, y for use/open?
Anyway, was just a random thought ha