Create your own secure P2P network for your ROS based robots

Hi ROS community!

I would like to introduce you to a new software which allows you to create your private, secure robot network based on ROS.

Most of so called IoT solutions are based on client-server architecture. Usually, the server and the software running on it are both owned by a solution provider. User owns the devices he connects (like smartphones, robots or sensors) but the communication is forwarded through a server that doesn’t belong to him.

That leads to an unwanted situation where users can be spied on by the manufacturer who may aggregate their data and sell it to a third party. It can also lead to users loosing access to their devices when the central server goes down.

It won’t be a problem any more thanks to the solution we just launched.


Husarnet is basically a P2P, VPN network dedicated to autonomous vehicles, robots and drones. Your devices running Husarnet client software communicate directly with each other, without being forwarded through our servers.

We developed Husarnet with the following assumptions in mind:

  • P2P communication - it goes directly between devices running Husarnet client
  • Low latency - thanks to direct connection between devices
  • High level of security - at cryptography and runtime level
  • No internet connection required - after initial connection is set up, there’s no web access required
  • Robotics focused - connecting multiple robots and remote servers with additional computing power can in couple easy steps

Husarnet beta is now available for testing. For free.

More details are available on our documentation page: . Under this link you can also find a tutorial showing how to use it in a simple ROS based project.

I hope you’ll find it useful, and I would be grateful for your feedback.
