Facilitating the communication between robots and IoT sensors or actuators through the internet is increasing in its importance. Especially, the deployment of 5G networks will create value across industries like never before.
- Husarnet is a Peer-to-Peer VPN to connect your laptops, servers and microcontrollers over the Internet with zero configuration
- Micro-ROS is the de facto ROS 2 standard for microcontrollers
By using micro-ROS together with Husarnet peer-to-peer VPN, you can connect micro-ROS nodes with robots that are in totally different internet networks, without any proxy server in between.
Check this full article about Connecting Remote IoT Devices Powered by Micro-ROS, by Dominik Nowak CTO @ Husarnet.
In this repo GitHub template for ESP32 Wi-Fi microcontroller you can find a ready-to-use template that allows you to set up a demo that integrates ESP32, micro-ROS and Husarnet.
Watch the video explanation in Embedded Working Group meeting (25th January 2022) P2P Access to ESP32 ROS 2 nodes with micro-ROS and Husarnet VPN
Thanks Dominik for your great work!