We have released Isaac ROS 2.1 with updates and bug fixes.
The Isaac ROS update for ROS 2 Humble is available at github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS, including packages for AI perception, image & LIDAR processing, navigation and adds:
- Pre-built Debian packages for Isaac ROS on x86 and Jetson platforms
- Live sensor benchmarking mode in ROS 2 Benchmark
- Nova Orin to integrate the sensing and compute from Nova Carter AMR reference into your own robot
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
(Nova Orin kit with sensors and compute for AMR development)
Isaac ROS 2.1 is available now at github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS and is part of our commitment to provide features and hardware acceleration for commercial deployment, development and research for autonomous robots.
Clone the repositories you need into your ROS workspace to build from source with colcon alongside your other ROS2 packages, use pre-built Debian packages, or leverage the pre-built Isaac ROS Dev container. Please note that this release has been tested on the NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin & Xavier with JetPack 5.1.2.
The next major update will be in March 2024 for NVIDIA’s AI Developer Conference GTC.