Master Multi-Robot Fleet Management: Open-RMF Training Starts June 26

Mastering Robot Fleet Management with Open-RMF Training

Join our Robot Fleet Management training to acquire practical skills in Open-RMF. Explore key technologies in an intensive 3-day program and learn how to implement this knowledge on your robot projects.

Training Details:

:bulb: What You Will Learn:

  • RMF basic structure
  • Creating compliant RMF simulations
  • Setting up Free Fleet for autonomous mobile robots
  • Managing tasks like Deliver, Clean, Patrol, and Charge
  • Creating custom fleet adapters for API and ROS2 integration
  • Docking and cleaning with RMF
  • Creating a user-friendly GUI for human interaction

What You’ll Experience:

:mechanical_arm: Practical Sessions @ Starbots Coffee Lab: Immerse yourself in hands-on learning at the Starbots Coffee Lab, where you’ll apply your knowledge in a real multi-robot system environment.


Act Fast – Only 15 Spots Available! :rocket:
Learn more and secure your spot now. Click here to register.

The Construct

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Final Call for Early Bird: Mastering Robot Fleet Management with Open-RMF Training (06/26-06/28, 2024)


Dear ROS community,

Secure your spot now for the upcoming 5th edition of “Mastering Robot Fleet Management with Open-RMF Training,” taking place online from June 26 to 28, 2024. This is your last chance to participate.

Training Details: