Nav2 User Requests Survey Results

Howdy yal,

Its yur rip-rawrin’ rootin’-tootin’ gun-slingin’ navigator in here parts I’m going as a cowboy for halloween today :cowboy_hat_face: !

I wanted to highlight the newest post on Open Navigation’s blog going over the results of the 2023 Nav2 / ROS 2 User Survey I announced in conjunction with ROSCon in the discourse post below:

You can check out the results:

While you’re visiting, checkout some of the other blog posts we have! Especially the really neat ones introducing Open Navigation’s sponsors – they go over what these companies do as well as highlight how they use ROS 2 and Nav2 in their various products and services. They contain some special insight into how you can use Nav2 and ROS 2 to build product-quality robot systems and some of the features they leverage to make it happen!




Yeeeeee Hawwww :cactus:

Marshall S. Macenski


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