Net F/T sensors ROS2 driver

Hi, while working with industrial robots I’ve noticed that some F/T sensors (such as ATI AXIA and OnRobot) have the same RDT communication protocol but differ in the configuration options (like setting the sampling rate). I thought that unifying sensors’ drivers would be a great opportunity for exercising and open-source contribution. For the past weeks, I was working in my free time on the ros2 driver for the F/T sensors based on the ros2_control, here is brief summary:

  • Currently it supports ATI Net F/T sensors, ATI AXIA sensors and OnRobot HEX sensors
  • Factory pattern was applied for switching between sensor types
  • It contains net_ft_diagnostic_broadcaster for gathering diagnostic data from the sensor
  • Currently it was tested on the OnRobot HEX-E V2 and ATI AXIA80
  • Currently it supports ROS Galactic and ROS Humble
  • Needs tests with ATI Net F/T sensors

It’s still in active development, so I’m happy to receive PRs to improve this project :slight_smile:

P.S. I haven’t found similar project on GitHub :slight_smile: