New packages and patch release for Humble Hawksbill 2022-11-23

We’re happy to announce a new Humble release!

This sync brings several new packages and some updates to ROS 2 core packages. For a list of patches to core packages, see the project board on GitHub.

Package Updates for humble

Added Packages [18]:

  • ros-humble-dynamixel-workbench: 2.2.3-1
  • ros-humble-dynamixel-workbench-msgs: 2.0.3-1
  • ros-humble-dynamixel-workbench-msgs-dbgsym: 2.0.3-1
  • ros-humble-dynamixel-workbench-toolbox: 2.2.3-1
  • ros-humble-dynamixel-workbench-toolbox-dbgsym: 2.2.3-1
  • ros-humble-hey5-description: 3.0.1-1
  • ros-humble-pal-gripper: 3.0.0-1
  • ros-humble-pal-gripper-controller-configuration: 3.0.0-1
  • ros-humble-pal-gripper-description: 3.0.0-1
  • ros-humble-pmb2-gazebo: 4.0.0-1
  • ros-humble-pmb2-simulation: 4.0.0-1
  • ros-humble-robot-upstart: 1.0.2-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-storage-mcap-testdata: 0.5.0-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-storage-mcap-testdata-dbgsym: 0.5.0-1
  • ros-humble-swri-console: 2.0.2-1
  • ros-humble-swri-console-dbgsym: 2.0.2-1
  • ros-humble-vision-msgs-layers: 0.1.0-1
  • ros-humble-vision-msgs-layers-dbgsym: 0.1.0-1

Updated Packages [327]:

  • ros-humble-action-msgs: 1.2.0-2 β†’ 1.2.1-1
  • ros-humble-action-msgs-dbgsym: 1.2.0-2 β†’ 1.2.1-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-auto: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-core: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-export-definitions: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-export-dependencies: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-export-include-directories: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-export-interfaces: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-export-libraries: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-export-link-flags: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-export-targets: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-gen-version-h: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-gmock: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-google-benchmark: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-gtest: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-include-directories: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-libraries: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-nose: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-pytest: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-python: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-target-dependencies: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-test: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-ament-cmake-version: 1.3.2-1 β†’ 1.3.3-1
  • ros-humble-builtin-interfaces: 1.2.0-2 β†’ 1.2.1-1
  • ros-humble-builtin-interfaces-dbgsym: 1.2.0-2 β†’ 1.2.1-1
  • ros-humble-composition-interfaces: 1.2.0-2 β†’ 1.2.1-1
  • ros-humble-composition-interfaces-dbgsym: 1.2.0-2 β†’ 1.2.1-1
  • ros-humble-control-toolbox: 2.1.0-1 β†’ 2.1.1-1
  • ros-humble-control-toolbox-dbgsym: 2.1.0-1 β†’ 2.1.1-1
  • ros-humble-costmap-queue: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-cyclonedds: 0.9.0-2 β†’ 0.9.1-1
  • ros-humble-cyclonedds-dbgsym: 0.9.0-2 β†’ 0.9.1-1
  • ros-humble-depthai: 2.17.4-1 β†’ 2.19.0-1
  • ros-humble-depthai-dbgsym: 2.17.4-1 β†’ 2.19.0-1
  • ros-humble-dwb-core: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-dwb-core-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-dwb-critics: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-dwb-critics-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-dwb-msgs: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-dwb-msgs-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-dwb-plugins: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-dwb-plugins-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-ecl-build: 1.0.3-1 β†’ 1.0.3-2
  • ros-humble-ecl-license: 1.0.3-1 β†’ 1.0.3-2
  • ros-humble-ecl-tools: 1.0.3-1 β†’ 1.0.3-2
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-async-client: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-async-client-dbgsym: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-cbg-executor: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-cbg-executor-dbgsym: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-minimal-action-client: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-minimal-action-client-dbgsym: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-minimal-action-server: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-minimal-action-server-dbgsym: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-minimal-client: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-minimal-client-dbgsym: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-minimal-composition: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-minimal-composition-dbgsym: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-minimal-publisher: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-minimal-publisher-dbgsym: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-minimal-service: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-minimal-service-dbgsym: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-minimal-subscriber: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-minimal-subscriber-dbgsym: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-minimal-timer: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-minimal-timer-dbgsym: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-multithreaded-executor: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-multithreaded-executor-dbgsym: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-wait-set: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclcpp-wait-set-dbgsym: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclpy-executors: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclpy-guard-conditions: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclpy-minimal-action-client: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclpy-minimal-action-server: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclpy-minimal-client: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclpy-minimal-publisher: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclpy-minimal-service: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclpy-minimal-subscriber: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-examples-rclpy-pointcloud-publisher: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-generate-parameter-library: 0.2.6-1 β†’ 0.2.8-1
  • ros-humble-generate-parameter-library-example: 0.2.6-1 β†’ 0.2.8-1
  • ros-humble-generate-parameter-library-example-dbgsym: 0.2.6-1 β†’ 0.2.8-1
  • ros-humble-generate-parameter-library-py: 0.2.6-1 β†’ 0.2.8-1
  • ros-humble-keyboard-handler: 0.0.4-2 β†’ 0.0.5-1
  • ros-humble-keyboard-handler-dbgsym: 0.0.4-2 β†’ 0.0.5-1
  • ros-humble-launch-testing-examples: 0.15.0-2 β†’ 0.15.1-1
  • ros-humble-librealsense2: 2.51.1-1 β†’ 2.51.1-2
  • ros-humble-librealsense2-dbgsym: 2.51.1-1 β†’ 2.51.1-2
  • ros-humble-libstatistics-collector: 1.2.0-2 β†’ 1.3.0-1
  • ros-humble-libstatistics-collector-dbgsym: 1.2.0-2 β†’ 1.3.0-1
  • ros-humble-lifecycle-msgs: 1.2.0-2 β†’ 1.2.1-1
  • ros-humble-lifecycle-msgs-dbgsym: 1.2.0-2 β†’ 1.2.1-1
  • ros-humble-mcap-vendor: 0.4.0-1 β†’ 0.5.0-1
  • ros-humble-mcap-vendor-dbgsym: 0.4.0-1 β†’ 0.5.0-1
  • ros-humble-nav-2d-msgs: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav-2d-msgs-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav-2d-utils: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav-2d-utils-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-amcl: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-amcl-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-behavior-tree: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-behavior-tree-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-behaviors: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-behaviors-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-bringup: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-bt-navigator: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-bt-navigator-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-collision-monitor: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-collision-monitor-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-common: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-constrained-smoother: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-constrained-smoother-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-controller: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-controller-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-core: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-costmap-2d: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-costmap-2d-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-dwb-controller: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-lifecycle-manager: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-lifecycle-manager-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-map-server: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-map-server-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-msgs: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-msgs-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-navfn-planner: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-navfn-planner-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-planner: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-planner-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-regulated-pure-pursuit-controller: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-regulated-pure-pursuit-controller-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-rotation-shim-controller: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-rotation-shim-controller-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-rviz-plugins: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-rviz-plugins-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-simple-commander: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-smac-planner: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-smac-planner-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-smoother: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-smoother-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-system-tests: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-system-tests-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-theta-star-planner: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-theta-star-planner-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-util: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-util-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-velocity-smoother: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-velocity-smoother-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-voxel-grid: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-voxel-grid-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-waypoint-follower: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-nav2-waypoint-follower-dbgsym: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-navigation2: 1.1.2-1 β†’ 1.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-osrf-testing-tools-cpp: 1.5.1-2 β†’ 1.5.2-1
  • ros-humble-osrf-testing-tools-cpp-dbgsym: 1.5.1-2 β†’ 1.5.2-1
  • ros-humble-parameter-traits: 0.2.6-1 β†’ 0.2.8-1
  • ros-humble-pinocchio: 2.6.11-1 β†’ 2.6.12-1
  • ros-humble-rcl-interfaces: 1.2.0-2 β†’ 1.2.1-1
  • ros-humble-rcl-interfaces-dbgsym: 1.2.0-2 β†’ 1.2.1-1
  • ros-humble-rcl-logging-interface: 2.3.0-2 β†’ 2.3.1-1
  • ros-humble-rcl-logging-interface-dbgsym: 2.3.0-2 β†’ 2.3.1-1
  • ros-humble-rcl-logging-noop: 2.3.0-2 β†’ 2.3.1-1
  • ros-humble-rcl-logging-noop-dbgsym: 2.3.0-2 β†’ 2.3.1-1
  • ros-humble-rcl-logging-spdlog: 2.3.0-2 β†’ 2.3.1-1
  • ros-humble-rcl-logging-spdlog-dbgsym: 2.3.0-2 β†’ 2.3.1-1
  • ros-humble-rclcpp: 16.0.1-2 β†’ 16.0.2-1
  • ros-humble-rclcpp-action: 16.0.1-2 β†’ 16.0.2-1
  • ros-humble-rclcpp-action-dbgsym: 16.0.1-2 β†’ 16.0.2-1
  • ros-humble-rclcpp-components: 16.0.1-2 β†’ 16.0.2-1
  • ros-humble-rclcpp-components-dbgsym: 16.0.1-2 β†’ 16.0.2-1
  • ros-humble-rclcpp-dbgsym: 16.0.1-2 β†’ 16.0.2-1
  • ros-humble-rclcpp-lifecycle: 16.0.1-2 β†’ 16.0.2-1
  • ros-humble-rclcpp-lifecycle-dbgsym: 16.0.1-2 β†’ 16.0.2-1
  • ros-humble-rclpy: 3.3.4-1 β†’ 3.3.5-1
  • ros-humble-rcutils: 5.1.1-2 β†’ 5.1.2-1
  • ros-humble-rcutils-dbgsym: 5.1.1-2 β†’ 5.1.2-1
  • ros-humble-rmw: 6.1.0-2 β†’ 6.1.1-1
  • ros-humble-rmw-cyclonedds-cpp: 1.3.3-2 β†’ 1.3.4-1
  • ros-humble-rmw-cyclonedds-cpp-dbgsym: 1.3.3-2 β†’ 1.3.4-1
  • ros-humble-rmw-dbgsym: 6.1.0-2 β†’ 6.1.1-1
  • ros-humble-rmw-fastrtps-cpp: 6.2.1-2 β†’ 6.2.2-1
  • ros-humble-rmw-fastrtps-cpp-dbgsym: 6.2.1-2 β†’ 6.2.2-1
  • ros-humble-rmw-fastrtps-dynamic-cpp: 6.2.1-2 β†’ 6.2.2-1
  • ros-humble-rmw-fastrtps-dynamic-cpp-dbgsym: 6.2.1-2 β†’ 6.2.2-1
  • ros-humble-rmw-fastrtps-shared-cpp: 6.2.1-2 β†’ 6.2.2-1
  • ros-humble-rmw-fastrtps-shared-cpp-dbgsym: 6.2.1-2 β†’ 6.2.2-1
  • ros-humble-rmw-implementation-cmake: 6.1.0-2 β†’ 6.1.1-1
  • ros-humble-ros-environment: 3.2.1-1 β†’ 3.2.2-1
  • ros-humble-ros-gz: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros-gz-bridge: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros-gz-bridge-dbgsym: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros-gz-image: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros-gz-image-dbgsym: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros-gz-interfaces: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros-gz-interfaces-dbgsym: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros-gz-sim: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros-gz-sim-dbgsym: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros-gz-sim-demos: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros-ign: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros-ign-bridge: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros-ign-bridge-dbgsym: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros-ign-gazebo: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros-ign-gazebo-dbgsym: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros-ign-gazebo-demos: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros-ign-image: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros-ign-image-dbgsym: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros-ign-interfaces: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros-ign-interfaces-dbgsym: 0.244.6-1 β†’ 0.244.9-1
  • ros-humble-ros2action: 0.18.3-2 β†’ 0.18.4-1
  • ros-humble-ros2bag: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-ros2cli: 0.18.3-2 β†’ 0.18.4-1
  • ros-humble-ros2cli-test-interfaces: 0.18.3-2 β†’ 0.18.4-1
  • ros-humble-ros2cli-test-interfaces-dbgsym: 0.18.3-2 β†’ 0.18.4-1
  • ros-humble-ros2component: 0.18.3-2 β†’ 0.18.4-1
  • ros-humble-ros2doctor: 0.18.3-2 β†’ 0.18.4-1
  • ros-humble-ros2interface: 0.18.3-2 β†’ 0.18.4-1
  • ros-humble-ros2lifecycle: 0.18.3-2 β†’ 0.18.4-1
  • ros-humble-ros2lifecycle-test-fixtures: 0.18.3-2 β†’ 0.18.4-1
  • ros-humble-ros2lifecycle-test-fixtures-dbgsym: 0.18.3-2 β†’ 0.18.4-1
  • ros-humble-ros2multicast: 0.18.3-2 β†’ 0.18.4-1
  • ros-humble-ros2node: 0.18.3-2 β†’ 0.18.4-1
  • ros-humble-ros2param: 0.18.3-2 β†’ 0.18.4-1
  • ros-humble-ros2pkg: 0.18.3-2 β†’ 0.18.4-1
  • ros-humble-ros2run: 0.18.3-2 β†’ 0.18.4-1
  • ros-humble-ros2service: 0.18.3-2 β†’ 0.18.4-1
  • ros-humble-ros2topic: 0.18.3-2 β†’ 0.18.4-1
  • ros-humble-ros2trace: 4.1.0-2 β†’ 4.1.1-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-compression: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-compression-dbgsym: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-compression-zstd: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-compression-zstd-dbgsym: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-cpp: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-cpp-dbgsym: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-interfaces: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-interfaces-dbgsym: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-performance-benchmarking: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-py: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-storage: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-storage-dbgsym: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-storage-default-plugins: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-storage-default-plugins-dbgsym: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-storage-mcap: 0.4.0-1 β†’ 0.5.0-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-storage-mcap-dbgsym: 0.4.0-1 β†’ 0.5.0-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-test-common: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-tests: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-transport: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-transport-dbgsym: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosgraph-msgs: 1.2.0-2 β†’ 1.2.1-1
  • ros-humble-rosgraph-msgs-dbgsym: 1.2.0-2 β†’ 1.2.1-1
  • ros-humble-rosidl-adapter: 3.1.3-2 β†’ 3.1.4-1
  • ros-humble-rosidl-cli: 3.1.3-2 β†’ 3.1.4-1
  • ros-humble-rosidl-cmake: 3.1.3-2 β†’ 3.1.4-1
  • ros-humble-rosidl-generator-c: 3.1.3-2 β†’ 3.1.4-1
  • ros-humble-rosidl-generator-cpp: 3.1.3-2 β†’ 3.1.4-1
  • ros-humble-rosidl-generator-py: 0.14.2-2 β†’ 0.14.4-1
  • ros-humble-rosidl-parser: 3.1.3-2 β†’ 3.1.4-1
  • ros-humble-rosidl-runtime-c: 3.1.3-2 β†’ 3.1.4-1
  • ros-humble-rosidl-runtime-c-dbgsym: 3.1.3-2 β†’ 3.1.4-1
  • ros-humble-rosidl-runtime-cpp: 3.1.3-2 β†’ 3.1.4-1
  • ros-humble-rosidl-runtime-py: 0.9.2-2 β†’ 0.9.3-1
  • ros-humble-rosidl-typesupport-interface: 3.1.3-2 β†’ 3.1.4-1
  • ros-humble-rosidl-typesupport-introspection-c: 3.1.3-2 β†’ 3.1.4-1
  • ros-humble-rosidl-typesupport-introspection-c-dbgsym: 3.1.3-2 β†’ 3.1.4-1
  • ros-humble-rosidl-typesupport-introspection-cpp: 3.1.3-2 β†’ 3.1.4-1
  • ros-humble-rosidl-typesupport-introspection-cpp-dbgsym: 3.1.3-2 β†’ 3.1.4-1
  • ros-humble-rqt-bag: 1.1.3-2 β†’ 1.1.4-1
  • ros-humble-rqt-bag-plugins: 1.1.3-2 β†’ 1.1.4-1
  • ros-humble-rqt-image-overlay: 0.1.2-1 β†’ 0.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-rqt-image-overlay-dbgsym: 0.1.2-1 β†’ 0.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-rqt-image-overlay-layer: 0.1.2-1 β†’ 0.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-rviz-assimp-vendor: 11.2.3-1 β†’ 11.2.4-1
  • ros-humble-rviz-common: 11.2.3-1 β†’ 11.2.4-1
  • ros-humble-rviz-common-dbgsym: 11.2.3-1 β†’ 11.2.4-1
  • ros-humble-rviz-default-plugins: 11.2.3-1 β†’ 11.2.4-1
  • ros-humble-rviz-default-plugins-dbgsym: 11.2.3-1 β†’ 11.2.4-1
  • ros-humble-rviz-ogre-vendor: 11.2.3-1 β†’ 11.2.4-1
  • ros-humble-rviz-ogre-vendor-dbgsym: 11.2.3-1 β†’ 11.2.4-1
  • ros-humble-rviz-rendering: 11.2.3-1 β†’ 11.2.4-1
  • ros-humble-rviz-rendering-dbgsym: 11.2.3-1 β†’ 11.2.4-1
  • ros-humble-rviz-rendering-tests: 11.2.3-1 β†’ 11.2.4-1
  • ros-humble-rviz-visual-testing-framework: 11.2.3-1 β†’ 11.2.4-1
  • ros-humble-rviz2: 11.2.3-1 β†’ 11.2.4-1
  • ros-humble-rviz2-dbgsym: 11.2.3-1 β†’ 11.2.4-1
  • ros-humble-shared-queues-vendor: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-slam-toolbox: 2.6.1-1 β†’ 2.6.3-1
  • ros-humble-slam-toolbox-dbgsym: 2.6.1-1 β†’ 2.6.3-1
  • ros-humble-sqlite3-vendor: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-statistics-msgs: 1.2.0-2 β†’ 1.2.1-1
  • ros-humble-statistics-msgs-dbgsym: 1.2.0-2 β†’ 1.2.1-1
  • ros-humble-test-msgs: 1.2.0-2 β†’ 1.2.1-1
  • ros-humble-test-msgs-dbgsym: 1.2.0-2 β†’ 1.2.1-1
  • ros-humble-tracetools: 4.1.0-2 β†’ 4.1.1-1
  • ros-humble-tracetools-dbgsym: 4.1.0-2 β†’ 4.1.1-1
  • ros-humble-tracetools-launch: 4.1.0-2 β†’ 4.1.1-1
  • ros-humble-tracetools-read: 4.1.0-2 β†’ 4.1.1-1
  • ros-humble-tracetools-test: 4.1.0-2 β†’ 4.1.1-1
  • ros-humble-tracetools-trace: 4.1.0-2 β†’ 4.1.1-1
  • ros-humble-ur: 2.2.3-1 β†’ 2.2.5-1
  • ros-humble-ur-bringup: 2.2.3-1 β†’ 2.2.5-1
  • ros-humble-ur-calibration: 2.2.3-1 β†’ 2.2.5-1
  • ros-humble-ur-calibration-dbgsym: 2.2.3-1 β†’ 2.2.5-1
  • ros-humble-ur-controllers: 2.2.3-1 β†’ 2.2.5-1
  • ros-humble-ur-controllers-dbgsym: 2.2.3-1 β†’ 2.2.5-1
  • ros-humble-ur-dashboard-msgs: 2.2.3-1 β†’ 2.2.5-1
  • ros-humble-ur-dashboard-msgs-dbgsym: 2.2.3-1 β†’ 2.2.5-1
  • ros-humble-ur-description: 2.0.0-2 β†’ 2.0.1-1
  • ros-humble-ur-moveit-config: 2.2.3-1 β†’ 2.2.5-1
  • ros-humble-ur-robot-driver: 2.2.3-1 β†’ 2.2.5-1
  • ros-humble-ur-robot-driver-dbgsym: 2.2.3-1 β†’ 2.2.5-1
  • ros-humble-webots-ros2: 2022.1.2-2 β†’ 2022.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-webots-ros2-control: 2022.1.2-2 β†’ 2022.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-webots-ros2-control-dbgsym: 2022.1.2-2 β†’ 2022.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-webots-ros2-core: 2022.1.2-2 β†’ 2022.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-webots-ros2-driver: 2022.1.2-2 β†’ 2022.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-webots-ros2-driver-dbgsym: 2022.1.2-2 β†’ 2022.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-webots-ros2-epuck: 2022.1.2-2 β†’ 2022.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-webots-ros2-importer: 2022.1.2-2 β†’ 2022.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-webots-ros2-mavic: 2022.1.2-2 β†’ 2022.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-webots-ros2-msgs: 2022.1.2-2 β†’ 2022.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-webots-ros2-msgs-dbgsym: 2022.1.2-2 β†’ 2022.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-webots-ros2-tesla: 2022.1.2-2 β†’ 2022.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-webots-ros2-tests: 2022.1.2-2 β†’ 2022.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-webots-ros2-tiago: 2022.1.2-2 β†’ 2022.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-webots-ros2-turtlebot: 2022.1.2-2 β†’ 2022.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-webots-ros2-universal-robot: 2022.1.2-2 β†’ 2022.1.3-1
  • ros-humble-zstd-vendor: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1
  • ros-humble-zstd-vendor-dbgsym: 0.15.2-1 β†’ 0.15.3-1

Removed Packages [5]:

  • ros-humble-rmf-demos-assets
  • ros-humble-rmf-demos-dashboard-resources
  • ros-humble-rmf-demos-maps
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-storage-mcap-test-fixture-interfaces
  • ros-humble-rosbag2-storage-mcap-test-fixture-interfaces-dbgsym

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

  • Aditya Pande
  • Alejandro Hernandez
  • Alexey Merzlyakov
  • Bence Magyar
  • Brandon Ong
  • Brian Wilcox
  • Carl Delsey
  • Carlos Orduno
  • Chris Iverach-Brereton
  • Chris Lalancette
  • Christophe Bedard
  • Cyberbotics
  • Daniel Stonier
  • David V. Lu!!
  • Denis Stogl
  • Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
  • Erik Boasson
  • Evan Flynn
  • Felix Exner
  • Foxglove
  • Geoffrey Biggs
  • Ivan Paunovic
  • Jacob Perron
  • James Smith
  • Jordan Palacios
  • Justin Carpentier
  • LibRS ROS Team
  • Louise Poubel
  • Mabel Zhang
  • Matej Vargovcik
  • Michael Jeronimo
  • Michel Hidalgo
  • Mohammad Haghighipanah
  • P. J. Reed
  • Paul Gesel
  • ROS Tooling Working Group
  • Ralph Lange
  • Sachin Guruswamy
  • Shane Loretz
  • Steve Macenski
  • Steven! Ragnarök
  • TIAGo support team
  • Tyler Weaver
  • Will Son
  • William Woodall
  • ijnek
  • michael
  • steve

Great news, thanks! May I ask how long before the ros:humble Docker image is updated?

Is it a known issue that there is no api documentation at and also is not the actual latest API documentation?

IΒ΄d file a bug report but I donΒ΄t know where and how…


Thanks for the update! The rosbag2 upgrade here is super useful. Is there an estimate on when the ros:humble-ros-base image will be updated?

For reference: package API docs appear to be at, as opposed to previous distributions that were at<distro>/api/ .

Imo. should be redirected to

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I’ll ask. I’m not sure either. Thanks for bringing this up.

I’m not sure. I thought these would be automatic, but it looks like they were done manually.

I’ve made an issue on the Docker Images Github repository: Update Humble images? Β· Issue #648 Β· osrf/docker_images Β· GitHub

@EduPonz @Aditya_Agarwal The Humble docker images are now up-to-date
Long story short: currently ros images are only rebuilt when ubuntu base image rebuild (~once a month)
More details about this at [ros] Provide exact version numbers to ensure rebuilds Β· Issue #112 Β· osrf/docker_images Β· GitHub

Happy containing


That link is the old docs site which is deprecated. It should be removed in the near future (to avoid this confusion in the future).

Here’s a link to the API docs: Index of /en/humble/p

For example, for rclcpp: Welcome to the documentation for rclcpp β€” rclcpp 16.0.2 documentation

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