I’ve started a full ROS project for the true automation of an R2-D2 unit.
We’ve purchased a licensed replica from Side Show but I want to hack it into a full functional screen accurate robot.
We have a complete set of 1:1 scale blueprints from the original film production.
We also have purchased and laser-scanned an original dome, radar eye, and holoprojectors.
Through Q4 we will be creating accurate mesh files for use in simulation in RVIZ and Gazebo.
I’m excited to see this project develop! Do you have a github repo for the project?
Very cool! This has also been a dream of mine, which you might have guessed if you do the urdf tutorials.
For those interested, there is also this video from a few years back.
I actually spoke with Bjorn yesterday about any progress he’s made on his R2 ROS project. He said life has gotten in the way and at this point his ROS work is “ancient history” as he put it. I was hoping to corral him into the project.
I actually started with the URDF tutorial. Lol. If you created the tutorial then it looks like your already all in on the project whether you were aware of it or not.
It looks really amazing. Do you pretend to release the code? Do you have any repository? If you need it I might help you with it
Congratulations by the way
We could use any help we can get. The plan is all the code would be Open Source including all the geometry files.