Quadruped robot


for the past couple of months, I have been working on this quadrupedal robot, which is actually my high school graduation project. It’s been fun working on the robot and playing around with ROS.

Speaking of ROS, it’s the main brain of the robot, so it makes use of publishers and subscribers. Thanks to ROS, working on the software to control the robot was soooo much enjoyable and kind of easy at the same time. Thank you. ROS is amazing.

If you have any questions about the robot, feel free to ask.

Notspot quadruped robot - YouTube


This is awesome! Are you going to publish the source code anywhere?

Hi. Thanks a lot.

All the used code and 3D models will be available on github as soon as I graduate from high school. I honestly don’t know, whether I can open-source it just yet, but it will be open-source in a month at the latest.

Hi guys,

as I’ve said, I wanted to make this project open-source. Thus far one can download and use the simulation package, which I used to program all the controllers. Feel free to check it out and use it if you want.

This project is open-source: GitHub - lnotspotl/notspot_sim: This repository contains all the code and files needed to simulate the notspot quadrupedal robot using Gazebo and ROS..

This is only the simulation. I’d like to make all the 3D models open-source as well, so that anybody can build the robot. I’ll let you know when these files are on my github.

Thanks and have a great day


Hi guys, I’m here once again to tell you that there’s new stuff concerning the notspot quadrupedal robot. I’ve made a bunch of changes to the original controller and decided to port it completely to C++. If you are interested, feel free to check the C++ version out.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach me out.

btw. ROS is great

This is awesome! may I get the python code for the robot implementation. I have sent my email. thx


Thank you so very much for sharing all details regarding the gaits and controllers! it has helped me a lot.I was wondering if you had shared the link for 3d model as well? as I would like replicate what you did, but I am not able to find the 3d model anywhere.

Is it something you can please help me with?

Have a good evening!!
