ROS 1 behavior change: fixed bug in imu_transformer orientation computation

In the next release of Melodic and Noetic, bug fix imu_transformer: Fix transformation of the orientation of IMU by peci1 · Pull Request #15 · ros-perception/imu_pipeline · GitHub will be released, which fixes bugs in computation of orientation of a sensor_msgs/Imu message after applying a transform.

The bug has been there almost forever (reported 7 years ago), so it is possible some code exists that actually depends on the wrong computation. According to wiki, no officially released packages depend on imu_transformer. However, some non-published packages can. If your package does, please check whether this bug fix affects your code or not.

The main change done by the bug fix is in this diff: imu_transformer: Fix transformation of the orientation of IMU by peci1 · Pull Request #15 · ros-perception/imu_pipeline · GitHub .

59 results on Github: search: pkg=“imu_transformer” language:XML.

A lower bound of course.

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