Hadabot: sub-$100 robot go-to-goal with ROS 2 + Nav2

Hi All,

After some Navigation2 (aka Nav2) parameter tweaking and some bug fixes with my odometry code, I got my sub-$100 Hadabot robot kit working with Nav2’s go-to-goal functionality.

Still much work to be done for Nav2 localization with range sensor data and/or sensor fusion with a IMU and SLAM. This will involve offering a Hadabot range-sensor add-on kit, as well as an IMU kit - that will “bolt on” to the base Hadabot robot kit.

More info (including video of the robot in action) in my latest post - ROS 2 Nav2 Go-To-Goal using the low-cost Hadabot Turtle robot kit.

For those unfamiliar with my Hadabot effort - Hadabot is a low-cost robot kit for software engineers, students, and makers to learn ROS 2 and robotics.

The Hadabot runs off an ESP32 microcontroller board (running MicroPython), is easy to set up, and leverages Docker to sandbox the ROS 2 install libraries from your host system. The user interfaces, including an browser-based VSCode, all run on in the web browser to ensure a consistent user experience.

Two ways to learn with Hadabot:

  1. Purchase a Hadabot kit .
  2. Sign up to our email list to stay in touch via the Stay in Touch button.

I’m also looking to work with CS / robotics professors to put together a more structured robotics syllabus using the Hadabot kit. If you are a professor and/or know of one who’s interested in a low-cost kit for their classroom, would love to connect!

As usual, love to hear feedback, suggestions, encouragements (discouragements).

Thanks and happy building!
Jack “the Hadabot Maker”


The Hadabot post is top-5 on Hacker News - totally unsolicited btw =)!

As I start to shamelessly solicit upvotes for the Hacker News “$100 robot running ROS 2 and Nav2” Hadabot post to fan the fire, I also welcome everyone to check out, maybe even address, the emerging comments and questions posted on the thread. They are mostly wondering about the usability and usefulness of ROS.



Dear Jack, I am trying to purchase the kit through the hadabot web site but I have few questions, I’ve sent few questions to the mail box that appears on your website but I still didn’t get any answer, yet.

The mail address is: jack@hadabot.com
My email adress is: tziono@hotmail.com

Thanks and Best Regards


Hi, Do you ship the kit overseas ?
