As to the specific question about industrial_robot_simulator
(I assume that’s what you’re referring to with “Industrial Robot Simulator”): that hasn’t been ported, so you cannot use that without some work.
As to whether or not ROS 2 makes sense: due to the fact that ROS 1 is EOL and Noetic only has 3 years of official support left, there is essentially no choice for anything with a (predicted) lifespan or development/support cycle longer than that.
I would say almost all products (and perhaps also projects) in (commercial) robotics fall into that category.
Will you run into issues? Certainly.
Are things “as easy” as they were in ROS 1? Certainly not.
Will you be able to benefit from the years of cumulative experience with ROS 1 available on fora, Q&A sites, training material and issue trackers? No.
Will you have to relearn your way “with ROS”, and figure out best-practices and come up with new ways to implement the same functionality? Unavoidable.
Do you have a choice? No, not really
Sounds bad? No, not at all.
ROS 2 has already seen more input from companies and organisations with experience in building actual products and with commercial deployment of software solutions than ROS 1 ever had. It has also seen more contributions from people with backgrounds in real-time and safety-critical systems, state-of-the-art, commercial grade use in logistics and packaging industries and builds on-top of much more mature and up-to-date technologies than ROS 1 ever did when it comes to things like communication infrastructure, but also testing, validation and deployment.
Is it perfect? No. Does it do everything ROS 1 could? No.
But if you’re willing to spend some effort it will allow you to do things you could not do in ROS 1, and collectively we’ve decided (or it has been decided for us ) that those alone make it worth the switch.
Whether or not that’s sufficient for you to switch we cannot say I believe.
This may be a bit of an understatement. There are core packages with a minimum of documentation and reading the sources (or those of packages using them) becomes one of the main ways to understand how things work at that point.
For people already familiar with them it’s less of a problem, but for users just making the transition or even starting with ROS 2 (without any ROS 1 experience) it can be a big issue.
Edit 2: in case it wasn’t clear: I’m not a fan of the “you have no choice” state of things we are in, but unless someone steps up to do the/more work, it is what it is.