Thank you for the information you provided @gbiggs @Gglaspell. I have examined the VRX system in detail. My main goal is to make an obstacle aviodance system. Are there any open source navigation stacks that you can recommend for this? I know a stack like Nav2 that can work on indoor systems and has tested a GPS-based application on a rover (a type of autonomous mobile robot that works outdoors). Since Autoware is designed entirely for cars, it seems like it will take a long time to manipulate it. I wanted to go with Nav2 here, but I did not see any examples or projects that were worked on. I do not want to choose the wrong paths. I need to define the navigation structure (global and local planners, obstacle aviodance structure, localization, synchronous communication infrastructure between packages) precisely and clearly. Since I could not see any project or work, I wanted to write here (as a navigation stack). Thank you in advance for your help.