“Clearly some sort of a major issue with the AI”.
We’ve all been there, but not with a high-end race car. FWIW RoboRace does not use ROS or Autoware.
ROS News for the Week of 10/26/2020
ROS World
News and Updates
- Cool open hardware haptic feedback controller from IROS
- Cross View Semantic Segmentation from IROS
- Construct: Supported ROS 2 Sensors
- Waymo + Daimler partner for Truck Autonomy
- ZED Stereo Sensor ROS 2 Eloquent Support
- Michigan IROS Summary (Go Blue!)
- ROS RUST Working Group?
- IROS 6DOF Pose Tracking
- MicroROS on Arduino IDE?
- Dashing Update
- Cool annotation tool.
- Applied Intuition (simulator) Raised $125M Series C
- ROS Industrial Conference 2020
- Roborace Car Slams into Wall (they’re not using ROS)
- Kinetic Update
- Mission Robotics Aquatic Rover in Lake Tahoe
- New JPL Rover Concept
- New Agriculture Path Planner
Autoware Model Zoo
Lightning Talks
We were overwhelmed with lightning talks for ROS World. We’re going to tweet out
a lot of the videos we couldn’t fit in the program and release a super cut video
after the event. Here are this week’s lightning talks.
Questions of the Week
Got an update from IROS or a robotics related Halloween costume? Please drop it in the comments.