AWS RoboMaker now supports ROS 2 Foxy and full developer desktop

I’m happy to share some exciting updates from AWS RoboMaker!

First, we’ve added support for ROS 2 Foxy! See my blog below for a deeper dive highlighting some of the new Nav2 features using a Husarion ROSBot in simulation.
Nav2 features highlighted include:

  • Waypoint Following
  • The SmacPlanner global planner
  • The Regulated pure pursuit controller

Thanks to @smac (Nav2), Filip Kramarczyk and @Adam_Krawczyk (Husarion), as well as everyone at Open Robotics for support making this possible.

Also, AWS RoboMaker now provides a full Ubuntu desktop for developers using the IDE. This feature enables robot software development in the cloud with ability to view and interact with your simulations. ROS and Gazebo are already installed, making it easy to get started developing and simulating your robot.


is it possible to run ros2 on aws and connect to home-PC-ros2-nodes ?

I mean, can i run e.g. the ros2 example publisher node on my home PC and run an AWS-cloud instance with ros2 and subscribe to that node ?

With this, home-based robots could perhaps be trained with machine learning live with cloud power. The robot is mostly at another place then the cloud.


Hey @flobotics,

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation to AWS whatsoever.

However, I have done something like this (connection to an EC2 instance) in the past using eprosima’s integration service

There are some other ways that might work such as setting up a VPN and or setting up the remote machine as an initial peer

Both of these use Fast DDS which is no longer the default middleware for galatic, so you might have to change your rmw implementation