ACM SIGSOFT Summer School on Software Engineering for Robotics in Brussels

Call for Participation

ACM SIGSOFT Summer School on Software Engineering for Robotics

IRIDIA, Artificial Intelligence Lab at University Libre du Bruxelles

04th - 08th June 2024

Application deadline: 31st March 2024.

Program Agenda

The proposed program is a five-day summer school on Software Engineering in Robotics, aimed at bridging the gap between academia and industry. The program will be held from 04-08 June in Brussels and is supported by ACM SIGSOFT: Our target audience includes graduate students (late in their Masterā€™s), PhD students, and early-career professionals from across Europe with knowledge in software engineering or robotics. The school aims to fulfill the following objectives:

  • To provide an intensive, hands-on learning experience in software engineering within the context of robotics.
  • To expose students to research and industry-standard software development practices in the field of robotics.
  • To discuss challenges raised by real-world robotic applications and how software engineering as a research area can enhance their technological maturity
  • To facilitate networking opportunities with leading industry professionals and academics in the field.

Curriculum and Activities: Our curriculum is designed to provide a balanced mix of theoretical knowledge and hands-on practice, targeting essential areas of software engineering specifically tailored for robotics. The key topics to be covered in the summer school are as follows:

  • Topic 1: Building and Deploying Robotic Systems. This topic will focus on the software and system engineering processes and tools used in constructing and deploying robotic systems, with special attention to continuous integration and deployment.

  • Topic 2: Robot software architecting and modeling. This topic will introduce students to architecting robotic systems. We will discuss guidelines for architecting robotic systems and present design patterns specific to building robot applications

  • Topic 3: Deliberation, Planning, and Execution in Robotic Architectures.
    This topic will explore the three-tier architecture model commonly used in modern robotic applications, diving into detailed analysis through a few case studies.

  • Topic 4: Verification and Validation (V&V) of Autonomous Robots. This topic focuses on statistical model checking (SMC) techniques and on high-level decision-making (robot deliberation), which is generally considered to be the most complex layer/component in a typical robotic software stack. Regarding deliberation techniques, we will particularly focus on behavior trees for specifying and executing complex robotic behavior.

  • Topic 5: Designing Robot Swarms: This topic focuses on the software architecting and practical implementations of swarm robotics, emphasizing coordination strategies, communication, and emergent behavior. Participants will explore three design approaches: (i) manual design, where swarm designers create control software based on experience; (ii) semi-automatic design, involving a human designer operating an optimization algorithm iteratively, incorporating intuition and experience; and (iii) automatic design, a fully automated optimization-based process suitable for repetitive design across missions.

This is a unique opportunity for masterā€™s, and Ph.D. students and young industry professionals to dive deep into how to build reliable robotic software applications.

:mag: What to Expect?

  • In-depth theoretical and practical sessions on the latest trends and technologies in robotics.

  • Hands-on workshops led by academic and industry experts.

  • Opportunities to network with leading professionals and peers in the field.

The full program of the school is available on the following link:

:point_right: Register Now by creating an account on SciVenia and then register on the following link: Scivenia

Important Dates

Application deadline: 31st March 2024.


Registration is limited to 50 applicants. Participants are selected on a first come first serve basis.

Registration fee: 320ā‚¬ Registration includes attendance at all scientific sessions.


  1. (Host Institution) IRIDIA, Artificial Intelligence Lab at University Libre du Bruxelles:
  2. Cognitive Robotics Department, TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands: Cognitive Robotics (CoR)
  3. Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  4. Bosch Research, Germany Research | Bosch Global

Scientific Committee

  • Darko Bozhinoski (IRIDIA, UniversiteĢ Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)

  • Mauro Birattari (IRIDIA, UniversiteĢ Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)

  • Carlos Hernandez (Cognitive Robotics, Faculty 3mE, TU Delft, Netherlands)

  • Michaela Klauck (Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany)

  • Ralph Lange (Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany)

  • Ilias Gerostathopoulos (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)

  • Ivano Malavolta (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)

  • Francisco MartĆ­n Rico (Intelligent Robotics Lab, Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain)

  • Enrico Ghiorzi (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy)

  • Wąsowski Andrzej (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

  • Gabriel Alex (Cognitive Robotics, Faculty 3mE, TU Delft, TU Delft)

  • Tacchella Armando (Universita di Genova, Italy)

  • Zatyagov Denis (RoboHouse, Delft)

  • We are looking forward to your participation!


It will be a great Summer School :nerd_face:

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