Currently Nav2 has bringup examples and system tests for differential drive robots (turtlebot3). However, many robots use Ackermann Steering (car-like robots). Ackermann robots are supported by the Nav2 Regulated Pure Pursuit Controller, and it would be great to integrate a reference platform that can be used to test Nav2 features in simulation, and compare results for Ackermann vehicles.
There are some core libraries that I would expect an ackermann simulation to be built on:
- For gazebo: gazebo_ros_pkgs/gazebo_ros_ackermann_drive.hpp at galactic · ros-simulation/gazebo_ros_pkgs · GitHub
- For ignition gazebo: Ignition Gazebo: AckermannSteering Class Reference
I have found the following projects that contain full robots, but most of them are not very active, and none of them support ROS2.
- GitHub - mit-racecar/racecar_gazebo: A gazebo-based simulator of the MIT Racecar.
- GitHub - gkouros/ackermann_vehicle: ROS packages for simulating a vehicle with Ackermann steering
- GitHub - hdh7485/ackermann_vehicle: Gazebo ackermann vehicle model
- GitHub - srmainwaring/steer_bot: Simulate a simple Ackermann steering vehicle in Gazebo using ros_control.
- GitHub - froohoo/ackermansteer: A Gazebo / ROS plugin Implementing Ackermann steering on a 4 wheel robot
- GitHub - robustify/audibot
- GitHub - chrissunny94/ackerman_ros_robot_gazebo_simulation: Ackerman robot on Gazebo ROS with move_base gmapping SLAM TEB planner
Does anyone know of an open-source robot (URDF) that plays nice with gazebo and ROS2? Note that currently Nav2 is set up for classic gazebo, but I would still be interested to know about any ignition-based simulation set ups.