ROS News for the Week of May 15th, 2023
Our friends at Intrinsic had their first product keynote on Monday, check out the video to learn more
The Iron Irwini release is next Tuesday (May 23rd, 2023)!!! We’re asking package maintainers to write their Iron Flexes ahead of the release
The 2023 Autoware Challenge was released this week. Please take a look at the competition details.
I am going to be back in Detroit for the next two weeks at Automate and the ROS Industrial conference. If you happen to be in Detroit join us for our ROS Meetup at Automate.
- 2022-05-22 ROS Krakow Meetup
- 2023-05-23 Automate Startup Challenge
- 2023-05-23 ROS Meetup Detroit / Automate
- 2023-05-24 → 2023-05-25 ROS Industrial Annual Meeting
- 2023-06-01 - 2023-06-03 Toulouse Robot Race
- 2023-06-02 ICRA Robot Wrestling Competition – More Info
- 2023-06-04 5th Annual Autoware Workshop
- 2023-06-06 Kidnapped Robot? Get it back with Isaac ROS Map Localization
- 2023-06-08 World MoveIt Day
- 2023-06-20 Meetup at AMP Robotics
- 2023-07-04 → 2023-07-05 ROScon France in Bordeaux –in conjunction with RoboCup
- 2023-07-04 → 2023-07-05 ROS Industrial EU
- 2023-07-07 Construct ROS Developers Day
- 2023-07-09 ROSCon Submission Deadline
- 2023-08-14 - 2023-08-25 ROS Summer School
- 2023-09-26 ROSCon JP
- 2023-09-29 ROSCon Madrid
- 2023-10-18 → 2023->10-20 ROSCon 2023 New Orleans
- 2023-10-21 → 2023->10-22 PX4 Developer Summit New Orleans
- Intrinsic Product Keynote – Blog Post – Comau Press Release – TechCrunch – IEEE Spectrum – Open Robotics
- ANYBotics Raises $50M Series B
- Ecolab Invests in Miso Robotics
- DepthAI SDK 1.1 Release
- DHL Deploys 5000 More Locus AMRs
- Plot Juggler 3.7.0 Release
- Inverse Kinematics Python Library
- Greenzie How Our Obstacle Detection Works
- 2023 Autoware Challenge
- Introducing Foxglove Studio’s New Navigation
- Open Hardware LilyBot Robot Kit
- Train YOLOv8 Instance Segmentation on Custom Data
- Formant Makes Vast Improvements To ROS 2 Integration
- Open Source Humanoid Robot
- Take a moment to appreciate all the cool robots at the ROS Robot Party in Japan
Papers Etc
- A Comprehensive Review of YOLO: From YOLOv1 to YOLOv8 and Beyond
- COOL: Animations of Common Path Planning Algorithms
- Robust Single-Point Pushing with Force Feedback
Package Maintainers: Please Write Your Iron Flexes
- HELP REQUEST: New Adventure for Nav2
- Elastic Search for ROS 2
- ROS 2 Foxy Fitzroy End of Life
- ROSCon Update: Startup Alley and Diversity Scholarships
- Optimization-based planning with STOMP
- gz-play, Replay Simulations (project proposal)
- NEXT WEEK: ROS-Industrial Americas Meeting
- ROS Diagram Tools
- Repeatable, Reproducible, and now Accessible! ROS Development via Dev Containers
- Infrastructure Community Meeting Video – includes a great talk about standards-based Python packaging and colcon
- Dynamics with MoveIt trajectories
- Iron Swag Sale!
- Multithreading in ROS 2
- Behavior Trees in ROS 2
- ROS 2 version of VINS-Fusion
- ROS 2 Wrapper for Super-Gradients PyTorch-based library
- Localization with LiDAR, GNSS/INS and ortho image map
- CARET (Chain-Aware ROS Evaluation Tool) is one of performance analysis tool dedicated with ROS 2 applications